Tools for Front Line Workers & Therapists

These tools have been developed over the years. I am creative and have in my own direct clinical work, injected these tools, for empowerment and understanding of the self and our emotional regulations systems.

Here are tools in and around trauma and emotional management and understanding. These are suitable for anyone wanting to work with trauma. I use these tools with both adults and teenagers.

I have guided you through each tool, and this is for you to build up your own professional toolbox, in working towards a more trauma-informed way of working.

All tools are copyrighted to Jenna Clark and Reset Yourself. Please, in use of these tools, use them with respect and recognition as to where they have been developed.

Please ensure you have the correct software to download the classrooms before purchase. You can access the courses via OneDrive and Microsoft PowerPoint. You will have a banner at the top, upon download that will ask for you to enable content. Please do this, as this allows the linked-in videos to play via your platform.

“I took the Back to Balance course and found it extremely informative. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to develop their self-care tool kit.”