Mindfully Nourished:

Recipes for a Healthier Mind & Body

I am a busy, single working mum who has developed a sense of myself and how I treated myself, through my own personal journeys of self discovery and exploration. I have learnt that everything is interconnected! A healthy mind needs a healthy body, and vice-versa.

I really crashed and burned in one of my positions in my life, where there was no relationship for self-care. At this point, I was not even meeting my basic needs and developed chronic insomnia and crippling anxiety. This experience lasted over two years. I learned a really hard lesson but one that paved the way to caring for me and what that really meant and had to look like. There are some fundamentals in all of this!

Hydration, Movement, Nutrition, and Sleep!

So here, as I take care of my mind, my body is shown the same respect.

I want to share these recipes with you! I love delicious, healthy food and experiment, with my favourite flavours. I like to use all that I have and buy and like to make things fresh, that are not processed and are healthy for me and my little one.