Grow, rise, and step into yourself.

Hi, I’m Jenna

Hello, welcome to my website! My name is Jenna Clark, I am an Accredited Therapist with the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy and specialise in working with trauma and abuse.

I run my own Private Clinic and also Clinically Supervise three teams at Stop Domestic Abuse.

Recovery is Possible

I have spent seventeen years working front line and centre with people moving through emotional crisis. My experience in the field is now extensive and I have worked in areas such as Sexual Abuse, Domestic Abuse, Human Trafficking, and with Violent Offenders.

There are some key themes that I have learned along the way, and that is recovery is entirely possible.  Even in the worst of circumstances, we can heal.

I believe that everyone has the capacity to grow and rise above their struggles.

My aim is to provide practical tools and resources to help you step into yourself and reach your full potential. These tools can give you the necessary skills to help yourself and others to navigate through life.

Providing Tools & Education

There is always going to be light at the end of the tunnel, you just need a torch to navigate life when it hits darkness.

Therapy with me is the torch; you are the centre of the healing.