Health is Wealth

I like to create health on the move, as I have limited time and need this to fuel and power my brain for my work and roles.

Here is a health food recipe.

I like to eat in colour and ram in as much nutrition as possible.


  • Extra virgin olive oil

  • Lemon

  • Salt and pepper for the dressing

  • Halloumi

  • Rice – microwavable added in with the halloumi

  • Spinach added in

Serve with shredded carrot and lettuce; I LOVE beetroot so will add that in when I can! This is delicious together! Then add your dressing!

Feeling full without feeling exhausted, as the gut is breaking down easier than unprocessed, fatty foods!

HEALTH IS WEALTH PEOPLE. Be nice to yourself and nurture your soul, with these quick, cheap and healthy recipes.


Vegetarian Lasagne


Self Discovery