Nature & Healing

Here you will find personal; pictures that I have taken of my walks and time spent in nature.

When I consider my training and my own personal journey of healing, nature has been paramount to this.

I am and have been since small, a person that gets so much from being in a natural environment. As I grew and learned, the medicinal benefits of nature and started to understand what it really meant to me.

As a person. I have deep respect for nature and encourage this in my work.  It also offers serotonin, cold water can bring in regulated dopamine,  mindfulness which encourages rehabilitation of healing in the brain and so many other positive/scientific facts, that are wonderful for our health- overall.

I go to nature with my own sad and sometimes mad feelings and sensations. I almost feel a sense of these feeling being disbursed, when I move and take my mind into the practices of mindfulness.  

I have been asked over the years- how have you done this Jenna? How have you worked in child abuse, sexual violence and human trafficking. My answer and resolve to my own personal healing- is time away in to the thing that has always made me smile and connect- nature and all elements of this! It is my daily/weekly practice and features heavy in my life and also the life of my daughter.

I recently parked EMDR training in my continuous professional development as a trauma therapist and have taken up Eco therapy training, as this heavily aligns with what I believe to be the best modalities for healing.  Other therapies can be wonderful but my own personal, professional tool kit- is connected to nature and bringing this into peoples lives.


Self Discovery


One Pot Goodness!